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Top GenAI Use Cases in Retail for 2024

    What is 5 x 5 ?

    Achieving Real Results in Retail with Generative AI

    As the GenAI landscape evolves, our team of 150+ data science experts and machine learning engineers is ready to help you navigate the complexities and unlock real, repeatable results. With deep expertise in NLP, LLMs, RL, CV, and more, we’re committed to helping you harness the power of GenAI to achieve your business objectives. Our dedicated Gen AI R&D Lab is at the forefront of innovation, with 50+ executed projects, 60+ active discussions, and solutions spanning retail, insurance, industrial safety, and agriculture. We understand the challenges of integrating new technologies seamlessly into your existing ecosystem, and our cross-functional teams are here to guide you every step of the way.

    Areas of Capability Development


    Accelerate your Gen AI adoption with our focused research and development efforts. Our dedicated Gen AI Research Lab is equipped to help you capitalize on this emerging technology.

    Implementing Gen AI Solutions

    Embark on a Gen AI transformation journey with our LLMOps Framework and Reference Architecture. We’ll work closely with you to align our solutions with your unique business needs, ensuring a smooth integration that drives measurable results.

    Operationalizing and Scaling

    Leverage the power of Gen AI with our LLMOps approach, enabling efficient lifecycle management of LLM-based applications. Our framework streamlines model training, deployment, monitoring, and retraining, ensuring optimal performance and scalability of your Gen AI initiatives.

    Customer Stories

    KPIs and dashboards boost CX and revenue for US retail operator
    KPIs and dashboards boost CX and revenue for US retail...
    Tiger Analytics elevated retail CX and work productivity with an analytics workbench.
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    Top clothing brand boosts CRM efficiency by 25% with AI/ML
    Top clothing brand boosts CRM efficiency by 25% with AI/ML
    Tiger Analytics transformed CRM with an AI/ML-driven customer data garden, streamlining and automating targeting models.
    Read Moreshp-arrow-topright-large
    AI/ML forecasting delivers 20% savings for top US restaurant chain
    AI/ML forecasting delivers 20% savings for top US restaurant chain
    Tiger Analytics elevated restaurant forecasting with an AI/ML hyper-localized system, boosting accuracy and savings.
    Read Moreshp-arrow-topright-large
    KPIs and dashboards boost CX and revenue for US retail operator
    KPIs and dashboards boost CX and revenue for US retail...
    Tiger Analytics elevated retail CX and work productivity with an analytics workbench.
    Read Moreshp-arrow-topright-large
    Top clothing brand boosts CRM efficiency by 25% with AI/ML
    Top clothing brand boosts CRM efficiency by 25% with AI/ML
    Tiger Analytics transformed CRM with an AI/ML-driven customer data garden, streamlining and automating targeting models.
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    AI/ML forecasting delivers 20% savings for top US restaurant chain
    AI/ML forecasting delivers 20% savings for top US restaurant chain
    Tiger Analytics elevated restaurant forecasting with an AI/ML hyper-localized system, boosting accuracy and savings.
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