Accelerate the model-to-value journey through TigerML toolkits

Leverage Tiger Analytics ML accelerators, tools, and platforms expertise to speed up your journey from concept to deployment



Leverage our data science toolkit for nuanced and enriched decision intelligence

Over the past decade, leading global enterprises have invested significantly in data acquisition and are now looking to monetize the value of data through AI. In this context, there is a pressing need to not just develop AI/ML models rapidly but also to deploy them quickly to accelerate business value realization.

TigerML is an ML practitioner’s toolkit that contains Lego blocks of tools and utilities to accelerate the setup of entire AI/ML workflows (data through deployment). Our clients leverage TigerML as an E2E MLOPS Platform and as assorted modules to complement their existing workflows.

Over the past decade, leading global enterprises have invested significantly in data acquisition and are now looking to monetize the value of data through AI. In this context, there is a pressing need to not just develop AI/ML models rapidly but also to deploy them quickly to accelerate business value realization.

TigerML is an ML practitioner’s toolkit that contains Lego blocks of tools and utilities to accelerate the setup of entire AI/ML workflows (data through deployment). Our clients leverage TigerML as an E2E MLOPS Platform and as assorted modules to complement their existing workflows.

TigerML workbench features

Data exploration workbench
A lightweight UI-driven tool to jump-start your data exploration process. This includes data health checks, univariate & bivariate analysis, data imputation, visual exploration, key driver analyses, etc.
Create comprehensive analytical reports on data across different dimensions in a no/low code mode. Sharing of outputs via HTML reports, spreadsheets, pdf documents, etc.
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Feature engineering
Accelerate your data transformation and feature engineering efforts. Use optimized, extensible Pyspark libraries for low-code feature engineering. Leverage our feature kit to create reusable pipelines to integrate with your feature store.
Pre-defined recommendations for relevant transformations and features across various domains and industries.

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Modeling workbench
Accelerate model development with ready-to-use foundational components
Solution templates: Pre-built solution templates for common ML use cases in marketing, pricing, customer analytics etc. These are pre-organized working directories, notebooks, deployment frameworks, and documentation extensions to build, customize, and deploy data science projects easily.
Auto ML: Use our genetic algorithm-based optimizer for searching the best models and, subsequently, hyperparameter tuning. The leaderboard of best-performing models from hundreds of pre-built pipelines helps guide the model search and selection process.

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Model evaluation workbench
Toolkits to address model explainability and ensure continuous governance.
Evaluation reports: Evaluate the efficacy of a model’s performance with standard model metrics and interpretations. Perform a side-by-side assessment of different models and their execution.
Explainability reports: Understand and visualize the contribution of various features towards the end outcome. Depending on the use case, explainability is as important as accuracy.

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Deployment and monitoring
Toolkits to address model explainability and ensure continuous governance.
Deployment pipelines: Scale model production through composable deployment pipelines.
Monitoring and retraining: Configure monitors and threshold-based triggers for data drift observability, model performance drift, and retraining pipelines.
Documentation templates: Ensure project success, collaboration, and adoption with Tiger’s documentation templates and best practices for end-to-end API and solution documentation in HTML format.

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Why choose us?

TigerML suite is proven through real-life deployments vs. lab demos
Covers the entire AI/ML value chain: build and operationalize at scale
30-50% faster time to value for AI/ML model-based business solutions
Open IP policy with dedicated teams for support and upgrades
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